Fruits of the spirit

02 Aug

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, faithfulness, kindness, patience, goodness, gentleness and safe control. If we let the spirit do it’s work, it can help us attain the fruits. Have this as a mantra for each day

Love: it is one of the Spirit’s major working goals to bring God’s love to you, plant it in your heart, and help you to believe that you are somebody precious to the Lord. And then he inspires and empowers you to love other people. Let the Spirit lead you today to celebrate God’s love for you and to share his love with another person.

Joy: Let the Spirit so lead you today that the people around you will wonder what you’re so happy about!

Peace: The Spirit each day gives me the calm assurance that I am God’s child and that everything will be all right.

Patience: the Holy Spirit makes it one of his personal goals to help us relax and let God develop his wonderful plans on his timetable. As he is patient with us, we should stop being such perfectionists with other people. Let the Spirit lead!

Kindness: we shower love and kindness upon our loving God and upon the people he allows into our lives. Let the Spirit lead you today to treat someone better than he or she deserves!

Goodness: in other words, learning to desire and choose and value what God desires, chooses, and values. Let the Spirit lead you today to show your goodness.

Faithfulness: May the Spirit lead you to trust in Christ with all your heart, today and always.

Gentleness: let the Spirit of the Lord bring forth his holy fruit in you and lead you to gentle words and gentle actions today.

Self Control: God actually helps us to control our thirst and all our other appetites as well. Let the Spirit lead you today!


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