Heaviness of my heart

05 Apr

My heart is heavy full of all my heartbreaks within my life.

My heart is heavy because I do not know how to voice my feelings.

My heart is heavy because I hold on to hurt like a granary of food.

My heart is heavy because I hold onto hurt like a badge of honor.

My heart is heavy and I have grown to like the burden.

My heart is heavy and I relish the feelings of despair and disillusionment it brings me.

My heart is heavy and the look of sadness brings me comfort.

My heart is heavy and I continously fight anyone who tries to relieve my burden.

When u see me passby you,

And I look at you with my eyes full of sadness,

A lopsided smile that may look genuine,

A slight wave of the hand to draw your attention from ingenuity of my smile

While u might be tempted to query the state of my wellbeing

With some misguided hope that this time I might lighten my burdens to you

Barely listening, but planning to offer a solution I do not need

Please know that I enjoy lonely walks

All because alone I have no one to disappoint.

Alone, I find solace and comfort that only my heavy heart can provide.


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